Product definition

Market definition

SalesTech has following broad components:
Sales Intelligence and Data Enrichment: Tools that provide accurate, up-to-date company, and contact information, allowing for targeted outreach and better understanding of prospects. Major Players: ZoomInfo, Clearbit, LeadIQ, Lusha
Conversation Intelligence: These tools record, transcribe and analyze sales calls, providing detailed insights into conversation patterns, areas for improvement, and winning strategies. Major Players: Gong,, Wingman, ExecVision
Sales Engagement Platforms: Tools that automate and streamline sales outreach, helping reps execute multi-channel sequences (email, calls, social) with personalization and track engagement ​Major Players: Salesloft, Outreach,
Sales Gamification: Platforms that introduce game-like elements (points, leaderboards, rewards) to drive sales motivation, healthy competition, and the adoption of best practices. Major Players: LevelEleven, Ambition, Hoopla

Sales Enablement has followng major components
1. Content Creation and Management ​Providing salespeople with high-quality, relevant content they need to engage prospects at every stage of the buyer's journey. (case studies, whitepapers etc)
Sales Training and Onboarding ( Equipping salespeople with the knowledge, skills, and processes to succeed.)
Coaching and Feedback (Providing ongoing guidance and support to help reps hone their skills, address challenges, and reach their full potential.)
So far, Content and Training are huge areas of investment within sales enablement. AND Coaching is a growing focus but might vary in how it's delivered (internal vs. external).

What should DO?

Be the ‘flight simulator’ for customer and prospect-facing agents, where agents in training are immersed in life-like conversation/ simulations to master high-impact topics they’ll face with live customers and prospects.
We need to start with 1 product and do a very good job of it. Pitch feedback should inspire the SDR to improve and should give them a sense of confidence.


Sell to India SAAS startups (Series A onwards). Use this as a wedge for funding,
ARR of 30K $
No integrations to start with. Just need a Chrome browser.
Product will enable SDRs to create personas on-the-fly (by entering specific details, including LinkedIn profiles)
Feedback should cover tone and soft skills, improvement areas and eventually a scorecard.
The system should have a record of feedback and improvement areas / how the person has grown over a period of time
Talk/Listen Ratio
Filler Words
Talk Speed
Longest Monologue
The Manager should be able to see how his/her team is doing with AI coaching.
Individual agent feedback/improvement areas
Use open-source LLM? otherwise it’s going to be very very costly. will just kill us.
Ability to train LLM on industry data
Build nuances (later)
Typing noise in the background?
People talking in the background?

Product Success Metric

VP of sales / leadership teams should have a WOW feeling when they see tangible improvement in SDRs pitching
Considerable improvement in ramp-up time.
Considerable improvement in pitching
Leaderboard / feedback (which helps them improve their training process)
SDRs should feel more confident (track: referrals within SDRs/their feedback on the overall experience)
Eventually, we should have CMOs and VP Sales invite us for 🍺 conversation.
These should ideally be paid PoCs.
Post 6 months, we will have an option to either go very deep in salestech (content/RFP process/integrate with LMS or create micro-learning solutions) or go horizontal in chatbots for businesses space. We will decide based on the market feedback/opportunity.

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